WHEREAS, City Council Resolution No. 25-0065R, adopted January 27, 2025, approved FY 2025 annual Action Plan; and
WHEREAS, the secretary of HUD is authorized to make grants to cities and/or counties to finance local community development programs, approved in accordance with the provisions of Title I of said Act, as well as grants under the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended, (the HOME program) and the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, as amended (the Emergency Solutions Grants program [ESG]);
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized to make and submit appropriate documentation to HUD for those projects and corresponding funding levels as set forth below:
2509 Safe Haven Shelter Program - Safe Haven Shelter for
Battered Women $ 25,000
1244 CHUM Homeless Services - CHUM $ 20,000
1226 Family Supportive Housing - Center City Housing Corp $ 25,000
2511 Family Transitional Housing - The Salvation Army $ 5,000
1244 CHUM Street Outreach - CHUM $ 15,000
1974 Street Outreach for Youth - Life House Inc $ 19,200
10389 Annie’s House of Refuge & Restoration- Divine Konnection $ 15,000
AD05 Rapid Rehousing Assistance/Prevention - HRA $ 63,075
AD02 HMIS Data Administration $ 4,200
AD01 Emergency Solution Grant Program Administration $ 15,525
Total $207,000
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following is hereby designated as the financial resource for the above program:
Source of Funding
2025 ESG Grant $207,000
Total $207,000
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Duluth and its officials are authorized and directed to assume full responsibility for assuring that its community development program is carried out in full compliance with the provisions of the acts implementing the programs and all regulations of HUD issued pursuant thereto. This authorization shall also apply to existing programs with the city and HUD under the HUD CDBG, HOME and ESG programs.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate city officials are authorized to
execute the appropriate agreements with these agencies upon receipt of approval of
HUD funds.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLED, that the Community Development Committee approved a contingency plan on January 9, 2024 stating that if additional ESG funding is allocated for FY 2024, than the estimated amount, such funding shall be distributed proportionally to previously recommended projects that were not recommended to receive full funding, up to 3% of the estimated allocation, and if less funding is allocated by than all proposals shall be reduced proportionally up to 3% of the estimated allocation. If the final allocated amount varies by more than 3% of the estimated amount then the Community Development Committee shall reconvene and revise the funding recommendation and submit it to the City Council.
Statement of Purpose
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: This resolution reflects the recommendations of the Community Development Committee (CD committee) with concurrence of the Planning and Development manager. The CD committee solicited comments from organizations and citizens as related to the proposed FY 2025 funding for the Emergency Solutions Grants Program (ESG). The recommendations contained in this resolution were developed based on consideration of citizen comments, the public hearing held on November 19, 2024 and the deliberations of the CD committee on December 3, 2024. There was a 30-day public comment period from November 2, 2024, to December 3, 2024 on the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, 2025 annual action plan, which also includes recommended funding for the 2025 CDBG, HOME and ESG programs. The CD committee held a public hearing on November 19, 2024, to hear comments on the funding recommendations and approved a contingency plan if the allocated funding was altered by more than 3%.The CD committee’s recommendations were adopted on December 3, 2024, with the concurrence of the Planning and Development Manager
Source of Funds:
$207,000 in new 2025 HUD ESG Funds
The resolution, in addition to authorizing application for grant funds and administration of same when received, also takes the following actions:
(a) Allocates funds by project for 2025 ESG Program.
(b) Authorizes contracts for the activities upon receipt of the funding contract and completion of the environmental review process.
Project Name: Safe Haven Shelter Program - Safe Haven Shelter for Battered Women
Project Summary: Safe Haven will operate shelter to provide services to women and their children fleeing domestic violence. The Safe Haven Emergency Shelter is will provide a safe respite, basic necessities, food, essentials, transportation, clothing and advocacy.
Goal: Shelter - 575 Individuals
Amount Recommended: $25,000
Project Name: CHUM Homeless Services - CHUM
Project Summary: CHUM will provide a 24 hour emergency shelter for people experiencing homelessness in Duluth. CHUM provides a variety of stabilization services, advocacy and support to the homeless persons in the shelters.
Goal: Shelter- 1,100 Individuals
Amount Recommended: $20,000
Project Name: Family Supportive Housing - Center City Housing Corp.
Project Summary: CCHC will work to provide transitional housing and supportive services to homeless families and to homeless youth ages 16-23. CCHC will operate and provide supportive services for 30 units of family transitional and permanent housing. ESG funds will be used for operation of the facilities.
Goal: Shelter - 91 Individuals
Amount Recommended: $25,000
Project Name: Family Transitional Housing - The Salvation Army
Project Summary: The Salvation Army operates 15 units of transitional housing
for homeless families and provides support services to help the families get rapidly re-housed to permanent housing.
Goal: Shelter - 100 individuals served
Amount Recommended: $5,000
Project Name: CHUM Street Outreach - CHUM
Project Summary: CHUM will assist homeless people by responding rapidly to crises related to drug and alcohol abuse, medical conditions or mental illness, and support people experiencing chronic homelessness to gain housing, reduce contact with police, and improve coordination of care.
Goal: Outreach - 200 Individuals
Amount Recommended: $15,000
Project Name: Street Outreach for Youth - Life House Inc.
Project Summary: Life House will assist people age 14-24 who are experiencing homelessness to connect them with services and housing.
Goal: Shelter- 20 Individuals
Amount Recommended: $19,200
Project Name: Annie’s House of Refuge & Restoration- Divine Konnections, Inc
Project Summary: Divine Konnections which will provide shelter and wraparound case management services to homeless BIPOC young mothers with children 0-4 years old.
Goal: 18 Individuals
Amount Recommended: $15,000
Project Name: Rapid Rehousing Assistance and Homelessness Prevention - HRA
Project Summary: HRA will administer the Rapid Rehousing and Homeless Prevention funds as directed by the Community Support group to provide direct cash to rental properties to provide housing for people who are either experiencing homelessness or are at risk of becoming homeless.
Amount Recommended: $63,075
Project Name: HMIS Administration
Project Summary: HMIS (Homeless Management Information System) data collection and reporting under the ESG Program is provided by the Institute for Community Alliances and is administered by the Continuum of Care.
Goal: 1 Organization
Amount Recommended: $4,200