File #: 25-0066R    Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/17/2025 In control: Planning and Economic Development
On agenda: 1/27/2025 Final action: 1/27/2025






                     WHEREAS, City Council Resolution No. 25-0065R, adopted January 27, 2025, approved the 2025 Action Plan

                     WHEREAS, the secretary of HUD is authorized to make grants to cities and/or counties to finance local community development programs, approved in accordance with the provisions of Title I of said Act, as well as grants under the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended, (the HOME program) and the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, as amended (the Emergency Solutions Grant - ESG - program);

                     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized to make and submit appropriate documentation to HUD for those projects and corresponding funding levels as set forth below:





PROJECT                     ACTIVITY        AMOUNT                                          PROJECTS

                                                                    HOUSING PROJECTS

HOUS                                          1734                   $ 325,000                     Duluth Property Rehab Prog. - HRA


HOUS                         6915A        $ 350,000              Community Land Trust: Acquisition- 

                                Rehab-Resale - One Roof Comm Housing


HOUS                                    10389          $ 120,000                       DKI Duplexes: Comfort & Joy - Divine

Konnections Inc                                                                                                                                                    

  HOUS                                        9378                $30,000                         Westside Market - Family Rise Together



                                                                    ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS

  ECDV                            1974                          $  90,000                Futures Program - Life House, Inc.


ECDV                           2412                   $  130,000                     High-demand, Living-wage, Job Training

                                                 Project - SOAR Career Solutions

ECDV                           2264           $  48,000              Growing Neighborhood

                                                                                     Businesses - Entrepreneur Fund

ECDV                           9378           $ 30,000               CM Solutions Accelerator

                                                                                      - Family Rise Together

   ECDV                           9746           $ 45,480                Skilled Trades, Arts, Robotics & Tech-

                                                                                                                                                         Family Freedom Center 


 ECDV                         2298                                 $ 20,000                       Jump into Child Care

                                                                                                                                                              Northland Foundation  


 ECDV                          10152            $ 10,000                  Green Construction Training

                                                                                                                                                           Green New Deal Housing 



                                                                    PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS

PFAC                            1929           $  19,520       Equipment Upgrades to Improve Dental Care

                                                Lake Superior Health Center


PFAC                             7936           $  85,000            Nourish the Northland Capital Campaign

Second Harvest Northland


PFAC                            1226           $  90,000            Yellow Leaf Crisis Center Roof Proposal

                                                                     Center City Housing

PFAC                            8212             $  20,000               6th Ave E Corridor Revitalization



PFAC                              TBD           $  26,000                        Child Care Rehab

      City of Duluth


PFAC                              TBD           $  90,000           Chalet Renovation and Expansion Project

                                                           Chester Bowl




                                                                    PUBLIC SERVICE PROJECTS

PSVC                                 1291          $  15,000                     Free Tax Site - Community Action                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Duluth


PSVC                                1244A         $  15,000                    Steve O’Neal Apt - CHUM


PSVC                                1244B         $   81,000                  Duluth Hunger Project- CHUM


PSVC                                 6915           $  30,000                   Tenant Landlord Connection- One                                                                                                                                                                                                Roof

PSVC                                1974            $  25,000                    Basic Needs Drop-in Youth Center-                                                                                                                                                                                               Life House


PSVC                                2811           $   7,000                    Young Mothers Program - YWCA



PSVC                            10338                              $   10,000                      UGM Food Programming

                                                                                                   Union Gospel Mission


PSVC                              7936          $   20,000                    Expanding Equitable and Dignified

Food Access - Second Harvest



PSVC                           1291                                                   $    15,000                   Food Access through Markets -

Community Action Duluth

PSVC                             2109            $   20,000                    Comprehensive Services for Homeless

        Veterans - Minnesota Assistance

                 Council for Veterans


PSVC                              2509           $    25,000                      Safe Haven Shelter Program - Safe

Haven Shelter for Battered Women


PSVC                             1244                                 $    35,000                      CHUM Homeless Services - CHUM


PSVC                            1266                                                   $    25,000                      Family Supportive Housing - Center

City Housing Corporation


PSVC                               2511           $    5,000                      Family Transitional Housing - The

Salvation Army


PSVC                              1734           $   24,000                     Coordinated Entry - Housing &

                                                                                              Redevelopment Authority of Duluth,




ADMC                                                AD01          $ 470,000                              CDBG Program Administration


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following are hereby designated as the financial resources for the above program:


                     Year 2025                                        CDBG Grant - city                                          $ 2,351,000                                                               

                                                                                                         Total                                                                $ 2,351,000                                                               



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the city of Duluth and its officials are authorized and directed to assume full responsibility for assuring that its community development program is carried out in full compliance with the provisions of the acts implementing the programs and all regulations of HUD issued pursuant thereto.  This authorization shall also apply to existing programs with the city and HUD under the HUD CDBG, HOME and ESG programs.

                     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate city officials are authorized to execute the appropriate agreements with these agencies upon receipt of HUD funds.

                      BE IT FURTHER RESOLED, that the Community Development Committee approved a contingency plan on December 3, 2024 stating that if there should there be a higher level of CDBG funding allocated to the city for FY 2024 than estimated, such funding shall be distributed proportionally to previously recommended projects that were not recommended to receive full funding, up to 3% of the final allocation, and if less funding is allocated, all projects shall be reduced proportionally up to 3% of the final allocation. If the final allocated amount varies by more than 3% of the estimated amount then the community development committee shall reconvene and revise the funding recommendation and submit it to the City Council.


Statement of Purpose

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE:  This resolution reflects the recommendations of the Community Development Committee (CD committee) with concurrence of the Planning and Development manager. The CD committee solicited comments from organizations and citizens as related to the proposed FY 2025 funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The recommendations contained in this resolution were developed based on consideration of citizen comments, the public hearing held on November 19, 2024 and the deliberations of the CD committee on December 3, 2024. There was a 30-day public comment period from November 2, 2024, to December 3, 2024 on the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, 2025 annual action plan, which also includes recommended funding for the 2025 CDBG, HOME and ESG programs.  The CD committee held a public hearing on November 19, 2024, to hear comments on the funding recommendations and approved a contingency plan if the allocated funding was altered by more than 3%.The CD committee’s recommendations were adopted on December 3, 2024, with the concurrence of the Planning and Development Manager

Source of Funds:

$2,351,000 in new 2025 HUD CDBG Funds

 The resolution, in addition to authorizing application for grant funds and administration of same when received, also takes the following actions:

                     (a)                     Allocates funds by project for 2025 CDBG Program.

                     (b)                     Authorizes contracts for the activities upon receipt of the funding contract and completion of the environmental review process. Housing contracts will include addendums that require affordability restrictions in accordance with HUD regulations.




Project Name:  Duluth Property Rehab Program - HRA

Project Summary:   The HRA’s Property Rehab Program will provide low interest and deferred loans for rehabilitation assistance to rental property owners within the city of Duluth. 

Goal: 50 units of rental housing. 100% LMI.

Amount Recommended:  $325,000                  



Project Name:  Community Land Trust:  Acquisition-Rehab-Resale - One Roof Community Housing

Project Summary:  One Roof Community Housing will acquire eight blight residential structures, rehab the unit and then sale them to LMI households.

Goal:  8 units of owner-occupied housing.

Amount Recommended:  $350,000          



Project Name: DKI Duplexes: Comfort & Joy - Divine Konnections Inc

Project Summary:  Construct a duplex for LMI households.

Goal: 2 Households

Amount Recommended:  $120,000



Project Name: Westside Market - Family Rise Together

Project Summary: Construct an 18 unit building.

Goal: 18 units

Amount Recommended: $30,000




Project Name:  Futures Program - Life House, Inc.

Project Summary:  The Futures Program will provide alternative education and career pathways to homeless and at-risk youth who are disconnected from school or work for them to become employed.

Goal:  100 LMI Youth

Amount Recommended:  $90,000


Project Name:  High-Demand, Living-wage, Job Training Project -SOAR Career Solutions

Project Summary:  SOAR Career Solutions, a community-based development organization, will provide job training and skill development to assist LMI people to help them achieve living wage jobs.

Goal:  90 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $130,000



Project Name:  Growing Neighborhood Businesses - Entrepreneur Fund

Project Summary:  The Northeast Entrepreneur Fund’s Growing Neighborhood Businesses program will provide technical assistance and peer support for 7 existing small businesses in CDBG target neighborhoods to help grow their business revenue to help their revenue increase by 25%.

Goal:  7 LMI neighborhood small business owners grow their business revenue.

Amount Recommended:  $48,000



Project Name:  CM Solutions Accelerator - Family Rise Together

Project Summary:  The program will offer business development workshops and services to 23 LMI individuals interested in starting and running a business. The program will focus on people of color, women, and low-income individuals, providing the opportunity for financial dignity and entrepreneurial growth.

Goal:  12 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $30,000



Project Name:  Start-Skilled Trades, Arts, Robotics and Technology- Family Freedom Center

Project Summary:  The START program, located in the Central Hillside neighborhood, empowers low-income youth and young adults with culturally responsive education and training.

Goal:  200 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $45,480



Project Name:  Jump into Child Care - Northland Foundation  

Project Summary:  Provide job training programs to LMI people who wish to work in the childcare field.

Goal:  150 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $20,000



Project Name:  Green Construction Training - Green New Deal Housing

Project Summary: Provide job training program to LMI people who whish to work in the construction industry.

Goal:  30 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $10,000




Project Name: Equipment Upgrades to Improve Dental Care- Lake Superior Community Health Center

Project Summary:   Lake Superior Community Health Center is requesting funds to replace three outdated dental chairs and components, to maintain and expand services to meet the high demand for dental care from LMI individuals and families.

Goal: 5 Units

Amount Recommended: $19,520



Project Name: Nourish the Northland Capital Campaign - Second Harvest Northland

Project Summary:  Support construction of a 3,500 square foot building that will provide food to LMI households.

Goal: 1 facility

Amount Recommended: $85,000



Project Name: Yellow Leaf Crisis Center Roof Proposal - Center City Housing

Project Summary: Roof replacement at a mental health crisis center.

Goal: 1 facility

Amount Recommended: $90,000



Project Name: 6th Ave E Corridor Revitalization - Zeitgeist

Project Summary: Provide infrastructure enhancements along 6th Ave E corridor, which is located in a LMI area. 

Goal: 1 facility

Amount Recommended: $20,000



Project Name: Child Care Rehab - Lincoln Park Children and Families Collaborative

Project Summary:  Funding will be used for building improvements, which could include an accessibility ramp and new roof for a childcare operation that serves LMI families.

Goal: 1 facility

Amount Recommended: $26,000



Project Name: Chalet Renovation and Expansion Project - Chester Bowl

Project Summary: Funding will be used to expand and renovate the Chalet, which provides childcare and recreation programing for LMI families.

Goal: 1 facility

Amount Recommended: $90,000




Project Name: Free Tax Site - Community Action Duluth

Project Summary: Community Action Duluth (CAD) will use the funding to support the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program ("Free Tax Site"). Staff and volunteers assist over 1200 LMI households a year in filing returns to recoup more than $2.3 million in tax refunds.

Goal: 1,200 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended: $15,000



Project Name:  Program for Children Living at the Steve O’Neal Apts - CHUM

Project Summary: CHUM will provide services for children at the Steve O’Neil Apartments including a licensed 4-Star Parent Aware childcare program, two-generational parenting programs, youth programs, and community programs focused on healthy habits, food security, literacy and inclusion.

Goal: 80 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended: $15,000



Project Name:  Duluth Hunger Project - CHUM

Project Summary:  The Duluth Hunger Project is a coalition of three agencies (CHUM, The Salvation Army, and The Damiano Center) working together to prevent and alleviate chronic hunger and malnutrition among the lowest income of Duluth’s residents, through congregate meal sites and emergency food shelf programs.

Goal:  33,300 LMI  Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $81,000



Project Name:  Tenant Landlord Connection - One Roof Community Housing

Project Summary:  The TLC will help ensure stable rental housing exists by educating existing and potential landlords and tenants regarding rights and responsibilities as well as mediating disputes between landlords and tenants to reduce the number of evictions in our community.

Goal: 575 Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $30,000



Project Name:  Life House Basic Needs/Drop-in for Homeless Youth - Life House, Inc.

Project Summary:  Life House’s Basic Needs Center for Homeless Youth provides basic human necessities, referrals to internal and external services, site-based outreach, assistance obtaining and maintaining stable housing, and independent living skills classes for homeless, at-risk and street youth ages 14-24.

Goal:  625 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $25,000



Project Name:  Young Mothers Program-YWCA

Project Summary:  Young Mothers Program provides transitional housing to pregnant and parenting young women ages 16-21 and their children. In addition to providing housing, we also offer case management, parenting classes, early childhood development programming, and more.

Goal:  25 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $7,000



Project Name:  UGM Food Programming - Union Gospel Mission

Project Summary:  Funding will be used to feed people who are experiencing homelessness or are very LMI.

Goal:  2500 LMI  Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $10,000



Project Name:  Expanding Equitable and Dignified Food Access - Second Harvest Northland

Project Summary:  Funding will be used to provide food to LMI households.

Goal:  105,000 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $20,000



Project Name:  Food Access through Markets - Community Action Duluth

Project Summary:  Funding will be used to provide food to LMI households.

Goal:  3200 Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $15,000



Project Name:  Comprehensive Services for Veterans - Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans

Project Summary: MACV will work to provide shelter, outreach, intake, assessment, and direct services to veterans living on the streets and other places not meant for human habitation.

Goal: 100 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended: $20,000



Project Name: Safe Haven Shelter Program - Safe Haven Shelter for Battered Women

Project Summary: Safe Haven Shelter is an emergency shelter for women and their children who are fleeing domestic violence. Safe Haven provides shelter stabilization services, advocacy, and support to those in the shelter.

Goal: 575 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended: $25,000



Project Name:  CHUM Homeless Services - CHUM

Project Summary: CHUM will work to provide shelter, outreach, referral, prevention and rapid rehousing services to homeless living on the streets and other places not meant for human habitation.

Goal: 1,100 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended: $35,000



Project Name:  Family Supportive Housing - Center City Housing Corporation

Project Summary:  CCHC will operate and provide supportive services for transitional and permanent housing units.

Goal: 124 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended:  $25,000



Project Name:  Family Transitional Housing - The Salvation Army

Project Summary: Salvation Army will provide transitional housing and support services to assist homeless families move toward greater housing stability.

Goal: 100 LMI Individuals

Amount Recommended: $5,000



Project Name: Coordinated Entry- Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Duluth (HRA)

Project Summary: The Duluth HRA will work with homeless providers to implement the coordinated entry system to ensure homeless persons have access to services.

Amount Recommended: $24,000