WHEREAS, City Council Resolution No. 18-0078R, adopted January 22, 2018, approved FY 2018 annual Action Plan portion of the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan; and
WHEREAS, the secretary of HUD is authorized to make grants to cities and/or counties to finance local community development programs, approved in accordance with the provisions of Title I of said Act, as well as grants under the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended, (the HOME program) and the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, as amended (the Emergency Solutions Grant - ESG - program);
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized to make and submit appropriate documentation to HUD for those projects and corresponding funding levels as set forth below:
HOUS 1734 $ 450,000 Duluth Property Rehab Prog. - HRA
HOUS tbd $ 57,000 Pine Grove Apts - ASI, Inc.
HOUS 6915 $ 90,000 CLT Acquisition/Rebab/Resale - One Roof
HOUS 6915 $ 120,000 CLT New Construction - One Roof
HOUS 6787 $ 100,000 Giving Comfort at Home - Ecolibrium3
HOUS 6915 $ 60,000 Duluth Lending Rehab- One Roof
HOUS 6787 $ 25,000 Lincoln Park SIA/Coordination- Ecolibrium3
ECDV 2412 $ 272,000 Duluth at Work Collaborative - SOAR
Career Solutions
ECDV 2264 $ 64,000 Growing Neighborhood Businesses - Entrepreneur Fund
PFAC 1974 $ 95,000 Life House Commons - Life House
PFAC PF02 $ 57,000 Revitalizing Keene Creek Park - Duluth Parks Division
PFAC PF03 $ 30,000 Blight Removal - City of Duluth
PSVC 1974 $ 30,000 Basic Needs Youth Drop-In - Life House
PSVC 2511 $ 20,000 Landlord Incentives Program- Salvation Army
PSVC 1929 $ 20,000 Community Based Dental Hygienist- LSCHC
PSVC 124A $ 70,000 Duluth Hunger Project- CHUM
PSVC 2805 $ 33,000 JET Food Program- NYS
PSVC 6915 $ 20,000 Tenant Landlord Connection - One Roof
PSVC 1226 $ 30,000 Family Supportive Housing - Center City
PSVC 2509 $ 10,000 Safe Haven DV Shelter- Safe Haven
PSVC 2511 $ 8,250 Family Transitional Housing- Salvation Army
PSVC 1244 $ 40,000 Emergency Shelter- CHUM
PSVC 2109 $ 9,150 Homeless Prevention/Rapid Rehous. - MACV
PSVC 124B $ 25,000 Housing Stabilization- Steve O’Neil Apt- CHUM
PSVC 1734 $ 12,000 Coordinated Entry and Assessment
ADMC AD01 $ 437,400 CDBG Program Administration
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following are hereby designated as the financial resources for the above program:
Year 2018 CDBG Grant - city $ 2,184,800
Total $ 2,184,800
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the city of Duluth and its officials are authorized and directed to assume full responsibility for assuring that its community development program is carried out in full compliance with the provisions of the acts implementing the programs and all regulations of HUD issued pursuant thereto. This authorization shall also apply to existing programs with the city and HUD under the HUD CDBG, HOME and ESG programs.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate city officials are authorized to execute the appropriate agreements with these agencies upon receipt of HUD funds.
Statement of Purpose
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: This resolution reflects the recommendations of the Community Development Committee (CD committee) with concurrence of the Community Planning manager. The CD committee solicited comments from organizations and citizens as related to the proposed FY 2018 funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). The recommendations contained in this resolution were developed based on consideration of citizen comments, the public hearing held on November 28th, 2017, and the deliberations of the CD committee. There was a 30-day public comment period from October 27, 2017, to November 27, 2017, on the draft 2018 annual action plan portion of the 2015-2019 consolidated plan, which also includes recommended funding for the 2018 CDBG, HOME and ESG programs. The CD committee held a public hearing on November 28, 2017, to hear comments on the funding recommendations and then modified, if necessary, its initial amounts to reflect those comments. The CD committee’s recommendations were adopted on November 28, 2017 with the concurrence of the Community Planning manager.
Source of Funds:
$2,184,800 in new 2018 HUD CDBG Funds
The resolution, in addition to authorizing application for grant funds and administration of same when received, also takes the following actions:
(a) Allocates funds by project for 2018 CDBG Program.
(b) Authorizes contracts for the activities upon receipt of the funding contract and completion of the environmental review process. Housing contracts will include addendums that require affordability restrictions in accordance with HUD regulations.
Project Name: Duluth Property Rehabilitation Program - Housing & Redevelopment Authority of Duluth (HRA)
Project Summary: The HRA’s Property Rehab Program will provide low interest and deferred loans for rehabilitation assistance to rental property owners within the city of Duluth. Homeowners can apply for up to $25,000 in loans to address code deficiencies and lead paint hazards. Rental owners can apply for a 2% interest loan to renovate their properties, which then must serve low to moderate income tenants.
Goal: 95 units of rental housing. 100% LMI.
Amount Recommended: $450,000
Project Name: Pine Grove Apartments - Accessible Space, Inc.
Project Summary: ASI will be replacing the roof at the Pine Grove Apartments Building to further the accessible and affordable housing units for extremely low to very low-income adults with physical disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, and /or mobility impairments.
Goal: 24 units of rental housing.
Amount Recommended: $57,000
Project Name: Community Land Trust Acquisition Rehab-Resale - One Roof Community Housing
Project Summary: Eight housing units will be acquired and rehabilitated, providing affordable homeownership opportunities, for low-moderate income households. The long-term affordability of the homes will be preserved through the Community Land Trust (CLT) program.
Goal: 8 housing units
Amount Recommended: $90,000
Project Name: Community Land Trust New Construction - One Roof Community Housing
Project Summary: Three new single-family homes will be constructed, providing affordable homeownership opportunities, for low-moderate income households. The long-term affordability of the homes will be preserved through the Community Land Trust (CLT) program.
Goal: 3 housing units
Amount Recommended: $120,000
Project Name: Giving Comfort at Home - Ecolibrium3
Project Summary: Ecolibrium3’s Giving Comfort at Home program reduces energy poverty by working with volunteers to assist LMI families with energy efficiency improvements and providing case management for those that need additional assistance to access services and/or fall through current housing program gaps.
Goal: 50 Households
Amount Recommended: $100,000
Project Name: Duluth Lending Rehab - One Roof Community Housing
Project Summary: One Roof will provide low interest loans, forgivable loans, and deferred loans for rehabilitation of single family owner occupied and multi-family rental units within Duluth to low to moderate income individuals, focusing on healthy homes and energy conservation.
Goal: 116 units of rehabbed housing
Amount Recommended: $60,000
Project Name: Lincoln Park SIA Partnership/Neighborhood Coordination - Ecolibrium3
Project Summary: Ecolibrium3 will coordinate redevelopment and revitalization of the Lincoln Park SIA including marketing and recruitment for multiple housing programs, convener of government and nonprofit services, program navigators to assist residents, and post-improvement maintenance training and support.
Goal: 58 households
Amount Recommended: $25,000
Project Name: Growing Neighborhood Businesses - Entrepreneur Fund
Project Summary: The Northeast Entrepreneur Fund’s Growing Neighborhood Businesses program will provide technical assistance and peer support for 8 existing small business owners in CDBG target neighborhoods to help grow their business revenue by at least 25% within 3 years.
Goal: 8 LMI neighborhood small business owners grow their business revenue by 25% within 3 years.
Amount Recommended: $64,000
Project Name: Duluth At Work Collaborative- SOAR Career Solutions
Project Summary: SOAR Career Solutions, a community based development organization, will work with the Duluth At Work Collaborative to provide job skills training, case management, job placement and job retention support to assist 41 Duluth residents at or below 50% of Area Median Income to complete training and reach employment benchmarks.
Goal: 41 Jobs
Amount Recommended: $272,000
Project Name: Life House Commons- Life House
Project Summary: Life House will convert the existing 2,000 square foot asphalt parking lot into a secure and enclosed greenspace for youth recreation. The property is located adjacent to the drop-in center
Goal: 1 facility
Amount Recommended: $95,000
Project Name: Revitalizing Keene Creek Neighborhood Park- City of Duluth Parks & Recreation Division
Project Summary: The city will revitalize the park including efforts to mitigate remaining flood damage, improving community connections to the park and other recreation opportunities, upgrading facilities, and ensuring equitable accessibility for all users.
Goal: 1 facility
Amount Recommended: $57,000
Project Name: Blight Removal - City of Duluth
Project Summary: The city will remove blighted, dilapidate, and condemned homes from CDBG Target areas within LMI neighborhoods. These efforts will remove health hazards, reduce slum and blight conditions, and contribute to the revitalizations of the neighborhoods.
Goal: 3 demolitions
Amount Recommended: $30,000
Project Name: Basic Needs Drop-In Center for Homeless Youth - Life House
Project Summary: Life House’s Basic Needs Center for Homeless Youth provides basic human necessities, referrals to internal and external services, site-based outreach, assistance obtaining and maintaining stable housing, and independent living skills classes for homeless, at-risk and street youth ages 14-24.
Goal: 625 individuals
Amount Recommended: $30,000
Project Name: Landlord Incentives Program- Salvation Army
Project Summary: Salvation Army will engage landlords to provide housing opportunities for singles, families, and youth who may otherwise be prevented from renting due to criminal history.
Goal: 120 individuals
Amount Recommended: $20,000
Project Name: Community Based Dental Hygienist- Lake Superior Community Health Center
Project Summary: LSCHC will provide free oral health services to low income and uninsured populations who otherwise would likely not have access to dental care. LSCHC will travel to participating community locations to provide easier access to services.
Goal: 480 individuals
Amount Recommended: $20,000
Project Name: Duluth Hunger Project - Churches United in Ministry (CHUM)
Project Summary: The Duluth Hunger Project is a coalition of three agencies (CHUM, The Salvation Army, and The Damiano Center) working together to prevent and alleviate chronic hunger and malnutrition among the lowest income of Duluth’s residents, through congregate meal sites and emergency food shelf programs.
Goal: 14,000 individuals
Amount Recommended: $70,000
Project Name: JET Food Project- Neighborhood Youth Services (NYS)
Project Summary: The JET Food Project at Neighborhood Youth Services will provide access to daily meals and snacks for 500+ youth ages 6-18 while providing nationally-recognized job training skills that prepare teens for employment in the food service industry.
Goal: 500 individuals
Amount Recommended: $33,000
Project Name: Tenant Landlord Connection - One Roof Community Housing
Project Summary: The TLC will help ensure stable rental housing exists by educating existing and potential landlords and tenants regarding rights and responsibilities as well as mediating disputes between landlords and tenants to reduce the number of evictions in our community.
Goal: 525 individuals
Amount Recommended: $20,000
Project Name: Family Supportive Housing- Center City Housing Corporation
Project Summary: CCHC will operate and provide supportive services for transitional and permanent housing units.
Goal: Transitional housing for 91 individuals
Amount Recommended: $30,000
Project Name: Domestic Violence Shelter - Safe Haven
Project Summary: Safe Haven Shelter is a 39-bed emergency shelter for women and their children who are fleeing domestic violence. Safe Haven provides shelter stabilization services, advocacy, and support to those in the shelter.
Goal: 500 individuals
Amount Recommended: $10,000
Project Name: Family Transitional Housing Program - Salvation Army
Project Summary: Salvation Army will provide transitional housing and support services to assist homeless families (100 persons) move toward greater housing stability.
Goal: 100 individuals
Amount Recommended: $8,250
Project Name: Emergency Shelter Program - CHUM
Project Summary: CHUM will work to provide shelter, outreach, referral, prevention and rapid rehousing services to homeless living on the streets and other places not meant for human habitation.
Goal: 1,000 individuals
Amount Recommended: $40,000
Project Name: Homeless Prevention/Rapid Rehousing of Veterans - MACV-Duluth
Project Summary: MACV will work to provide shelter, outreach, referral, prevention, and rapid-rehousing services to veterans living on the streets and other places not meant for human habitation.
Goal: 105 individuals
Amount Recommended: $9,150
Project Name: Housing Stabilization Services- Steve O’Neil Apartments- CHUM
Project Summary: CHUM will provide supportive services to families at the Steve O’Neil Apartments, including case management, licensed childcare, and parenting classes and coordination with other partner agencies.
Goal: 140 individuals/44 families
Amount Recommended: $25,000
Project Name: Coordinated Assessment- Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Duluth (HRA)
Project Summary: The Duluth HRA will work with homeless providers to implement the coordinated entry system to ensure homeless persons have access to services.
Amount Recommended: $12,000