BE IT RESOLVED, that the city council of the city of Duluth hereby approves the transfer of stock of the following off sale intoxicating liquor license for the period ending August 31, 2017, subject to departmental approvals, the payment of sales and property taxes, and further subject to the approval of the Liquor Control Commissioner:
Mount Royal Bottle Shoppe, Inc. (Mount Royal Bottle Shoppe), 1602 Woodland Ave, transferred from Marshal Pearlman, 100 percent owner to Mount Royal Bottle Shoppe, Inc. (Mount Royal Bottle Shoppe), same address with Brandon Call, 100 percent owner.
Attachment A
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: This application for transfer of the off sale liquor license to Brandon Call has been reviewed and approved by the Alcohol, Gambling and Tobacco Commission at their July 6, 2016 meeting.