RESOLVED, that the city council shall establish a red tape task force ("task force") for the purpose of reviewing the city of Duluth's regulatory framework and identifying opportunities for operational improvements that will stimulate business and job growth. The task force's duties will include the following:
1. Examining the city's permitting and licensing processes;
2. Identifying challenges faced by citizens wishing to do business with the city due to costly or unnecessary contracting practices;
3. Identifying duplicative review requirements on development project features and making recommendations to eliminate redundancies;
4. Identifying ways to help small businesses navigate the city's regulatory requirements; and
5. Identifying ways to make city regulations simple, fair and easier to enforce.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the task force shall consist of seven members, including an architect, a developer, a contractor, a representative from the building trades, a representative from the Duluth Chamber of Commerce, a small business owner with 25 or less employees and a Duluth citizen-at-large. All seven members shall be selected by the chair of the public works and utilities committee and approved by the council. The chair of the public works and utilities committee will be a nonvoting ad hoc member of the task force.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the task force shall present a written report containing its findings and recommendations to the Duluth city council no later than six months after the task force's first meeting. The report shall be delivered to the council by way of the city clerk. The task force members will serve without compensation. Reasonable expenses, approved by the city finance director, within the existing council budget will be paid.
Statement of Purpose
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: This resolution establishes a red tape task ...
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