RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN - FUTURE LAND USE MAP for the Lake Superior College campus Area, City owned parcel of land located on the southwest corner of Lake Superior College Drive, Trinity Road and South Arlington Avenue intersection.
RESOLVED, that the city council makes the following findings:
(a) The city council adopted the Imagine Duluth 2035 Duluth Comprehensive Land Use Plan on June 25, 2018, via Resolution 18-0240R, which outlined the desired arrangement of land uses for the next 20 years; and
(b) The city planning division, which is implementing the Comprehensive Land Use Plan by implementing zoning regulations, has studied how, in some situations, amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan to enable the eventual rezoning of an area will encourage new and appropriate development, encourage the reuse of previously developed lands and the adaptive reuse of existing infrastructure; and
(c) Based on a review of this area completed by the city planning division, staff recommended to the city planning commission that the Future Land Use map be amended for the study, as described below and shown in the map (Attachment 1):
1. In the area south of the existing Lake Superior College campus and west of Trinity Road, from Open Space to Institutional.
(d) The city planning commission has reviewed this future land use amendment, conducted a public hearing on December 11, 2018, at their regular planning commission meeting, and recommends city council adoption of the proposed future land use map amendment; and
(e) The city council action shall be by resolution, with the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of those members constituting a quorum required to take action.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adopted Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Future Land Use Map, is amended as described above and in the attached map (Attachment 1).
Statement of Purpose
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: Based on discussions with Lake Superior College (LSC) and their need for student housing, staff began a review of the campus layout at LSC and this site for potential land use changes and development considerations. Planning Staff examined existing land uses, transportation, natural resources, and utilities in the area adjacent to the existing campus. A public meeting was held on November 27, 2018, with seven attendees and LSC representatives. This was an open house where staff shared information and asked for questions and comments about the proposed land use change from Open Space to Institutional.
The Comprehensive Plan includes 12 Governing Principles that should be applied to land use decisions. Governing principle #11 is to consider education systems in land use actions. This principle refers to a connection between land use patterns and all level of educational facilities. School locations and housing opportunities for students and families require consideration of impacts on transportation and infrastructure systems, housing densities, parking, and non-student uses. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan recognizes that Duluth’s economic environment will advance the success and health of our community by promoting growth through an expanded tax base and the creation of new jobs and innovative ideas. This will be achieved through coordination with major institutions, such as college and university campuses, to plan for their growth, minimize development impacts, and provide for stability and livability for the campuses, their employees, and surrounding neighborhoods. This will result in increasing employees’ skills, ensure workforce availability for employers, and promote income self-sufficiency.
On December 11, 2018, the Duluth city planning commission held a public hearing on the proposal and voted 7 yeas, 0 nays, and 0 abstentions, with 2 members absent, to recommend the city council approve the vacation.
The city council action shall be by resolution, with the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of those members constituting a quorum required to take action.
Date of application: Not Applicable
Action deadline: Not Applicable
City of Duluth
Planning Division
Room 110, City Hall
Duluth, MN 55802
PL 18-152